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FAI Welcomes New Members to the Team

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FAI Welcomes New Members to the Team

October 15, 2024

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The Foundation for American Innovation is excited to announce two new additions to the team: Kevin Hawickhorst as Policy Manager, State Capacity, and Tryn Haney as Program Associate.

Kevin will be building out our work on state capacity and government efficiency. Previously, he worked at the Federal Communications Commission in the office of Commissioner Simington. He holds BA's in mathematics and economics from the University of Kentucky and an MA in economics from Indiana University.

Tryn Haney will be helping with our research, events, and operations. Previously, she was a fellow with American Moment, and later worked on energy and administrative policy with the Vivek Ramaswamy campaign. Tryn holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture from New Saint Andrews College.

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