Support the Foundation for American Innovation
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us continue to advance our mission. Our work is only possible because of the generosity of our supporters. Please join our network of innovators and policymakers striving to make the future happen sooner.
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Ways to Donate
Donate by Check
Checks can be made out to “Foundation for American Innovation” and mailed to: Foundation for American Innovation 2443 Fillmore Street #380-3386 San Francisco, CA 94115
Donate Appreciated Securities
Donors should indicate to their institutions that they are sending securities as a gift to the Foundation for American Innovation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Direct Transfer Code is 0443 and the account is QW1001400.
*Please send a notification or confirmation of sent securities to
Donate Cryptocurrency
The Foundation for American Innovation accepts crypto donations through Giving Block. Click here to donate.
Our 990s are available here.
Past annual reports: