Today, I led a coalition letter in support of Utah's House Bill 85, which we argue provides a much-needed update to Utah’s Clean Air Act permitting processes, pairing regulatory efficiency with environmental stewardship. Click here to download a pdf of the letter.
Dear Representative Albrecht,
We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, write to express our strong support for HB 85, sponsored by Representative Tyler Clancy and Senator Ronald M. Winterton. This bill provides a much-needed update to Utah’s Clean Air Act permitting processes, pairing regulatory efficiency with environmental stewardship.
HB 85 has three strengths. First, the bill encourages broader adoption of Plantwide Applicability Limits (PALs) by directing the Division of Air Quality to issue comprehensive guidance, giving facilities a clearer pathway to adopt flexible permit caps while maintaining strict emissions limits. Importantly, the bill ensures that facilities operating near their emissions limits will not be penalized at permit renewal simply for operating under those caps, fostering both innovation and compliance.
Second, HB 85 builds on the remarkable success of Utah's Permit-by-Rule (PBR) program. Utah's single existing PBR for oil and gas has saved an estimated 1,450 years of cumulative permitting time since 2017. The bill requires at least five new categories to join PBR, providing faster, more predictable permitting for appropriate facility types—without compromising air quality standards.
Third, throughout these reforms, HB 85 maintains unwavering commitment to environmental protection. Sources will continue to meet all federal and state regulations, with strict enforcement and oversight. By offering clarity and consistency in the permitting process, the bill ensures that environmental safeguards and economic growth will go hand in hand.
HB 85 strikes the right balance: it preserves rigorous protection of Utah’s air while enabling clear, flexible, and efficient permitting. We respectfully urge the Legislature to pass HB 85.
Thank you for your consideration and your dedication to protecting Utah’s environment and supporting its economy.
Thomas Hochman, Director of Infrastructure, Foundation for American Innovation
Chris Barnard, President, American Conservation Coalition Action
Caden Rosenbaum, Senior Policy Analyst, Libertas Institute
Josiah Neeley, Senior Fellow, R Street Institute
John Karakoulakis, The Western Way