Join us on Monday, June 22nd, starting at 2:00 p.m ET / 11:00 a.m. PT for #Protect 2020: Securing the Election Ahead of November, a 1-hour virtual discussion.
Since 2016, the Department of Homeland Security has led the federal government effort to support state and local governments to secure U.S. election infrastructure. From cybersecurity threats to COVID-19, the nation faces significant challenges preparing for November and holding an election during a pandemic.
This event will feature a presentation from Geoffrey Hale, Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Election Security Initiative. His remarks will be followed by Q&A from the audience and a 20 minute panel discussion of experts and stakeholders from the election security and cybersecurity community.
• Geoffrey Hale, Director of the Election Security Initiative, Department of Homeland Security
• Lindsey Forson, Cybersecurity Program Manager, National Association of Secretaries of State
• Maggie Brunner, Program Director, Homeland Security & Public Safety, National Governors Association
This event will be moderated by Dan Lips, Director of Cyber and National Security at Lincoln Network.